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Leadership Training & Coaching


The key to achieving performance breakthroughs
across an organization is to begin with the leader.

Niyonu Spann Associates create visionary change agents by engaging leaders
in a holistic process designed to help them:

• recognize and dismantle assumptions which limit their effectiveness.
• see how their personal values and goals align with the organization’s mission.
• understand the relationship between personal and institutional power.
• leverage core strengths and values.
• re-connect with their passion for the work.

Only then can the work of transforming a community begin in earnest.

Because organizations must constantly adapt to new challenges and opportunities, leaders need to keenly understand how change occurs in a community. By training leaders in the skills required at each stage of transformation, they are better prepared to:

• build powerful coalitions
• foster a company-wide culture which supports the mission
• articulate a compelling vision of the organization’s future
• act decisively to take the team to goal

Our training and coaching programs begin with a thorough and compassionate assessment of leadership skills. Custom programs are offered in several forms, including a 3-day retreat and weekly sessions. And for leaders in transition, Niyonu Spann Associates brings clarity, optimism and sound strategies to the process of defining and pursuing a career path. Coaching is offered in person, by phone or video conferencing.


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